MUSIC| 5 Perfect Acoustic Songs

The moment I heard the background music for the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear A/W collection a few days ago je suis tombé amoureux. I completely fell in love with the music and I do believe it`s that part that made people cry during the fashion show. Not talking from experience though as I was nowhere near London during FW, I could have…

Burberry Prorsum’s runway music has always been a favourite of mine ever since I started paying attention to fashion. It has that indie new sound feel to it but of course it’s all about personal taste. What’s blue to me might be red for some of my readers. On Burberry’s youtube channel they often present new British artists singing acoustic versions of their songs. Of course I LOVE them all. I’ve chosen my top 5 for you guys. The first song “Good Old Days” by Matt Maltese (he’s only seventeen) is my favourite and has been on repeat all night!
What do you guys think? Do you know other artists similar to them?


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Photographs by Jayvee Doroteo and Cyril Patricio unless otherwise stated. All content may be used for non-commercial purposes provided that there is a link crediting all obtained work.

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