Squeezing in a last DIY post for this, so-called, DIY month.
This is my inspiration for the DIY. I’ve been seeing a lot of this done, but I didn’t want to kill any denim items I have just yet, in case I mess up, so I tried it on a heavily stained yellow shirt.
It’s really simple and it doesn’t need much explanation. You get a bucket or something that can hold water, and put bleach and some water. All I was concerned about was turning the fabric white, so I practically soaked the fabric the whole weekend. I added some more bleach, just in case I was worrying that I didn’t put enough
note: The dye-ing process will creep up a good 1-2 inches from where the fabric is touching the water so leave some room when you dip the fabric.
up next: haircut and outfit post!
cool DIY. Might try it!